Next Up…CNC?

3 years ago I mostly built a mini CNC mill using a dremel tool as the cutting head, and other bits for the assembly. There are/were some issues with its functionality, but I intended to go back and fix it. I a finding more and more things I want to try with it. There will be 3 steps to this monumental project:

#1. Rebuild the CNC mill to fix the issues. Don’t try to go so cheap this time, as it only introduces frustration later…instead be patient sourcing materials

#2. Learn the software (KCam maybe?) to use it.
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#3. Make/do something on it…this will be the success criteria. Maybe I will go old school programmer and engrave “Hello World!” on something.

Before I can start redoing it, I must clean my workspace…having Webelos here woodworking was the final straw…I must put away the power tool in a more permanent home, so I have a workbench to work on. My goal is to have the garage clean enough to start the CNC rebuilt within 1 week.

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